Habitat Forever is the habitat implementation arm of Pheasants Forever. Our mission is improving, creating or repairing habitat for all of Pennsylvania’s Wildlife. We stand behind our product and you can be guaranteed we do what’s best for the wildlife.
Services: In-stream restoration, riparian buffer fencing, planting, wetland work, early successional forest creation, mowing, tree felling, invasive species treatments, herbicide application
State Game Land 333
State Game Land 333 which we have been sponsoring for the past 5 years. State Game Land 333 is located in Centre County on property previously owned by Rockview Penitentiary near Shiloh Road. The Game Commission has been managing a large portion of the Game Land for upland birds including ring-necked pheasants. The chapter has been assisting by providing labor, a tractor, a seed drill, herbicide and grass and pollinator seed.