2022 Youth Pheasant Hunt

On October 1, 2022, eighteen youth participated in the Central Pennsylvania Chapter’s Youth Pheasant Hunt at Pointer Haven in Rebersburg. The day of fun started when the first group of six hunters arrived promptly at 7:30 AM, with safety instruction and clay bird shooting shortly after. Then off to fields of switchgrass and big bluestem they went for real birds – each group of two hunters working with a dog and a handler, plus two mentors. After the hunt, it was time for stories. There was also a presentation about the life cycle of pheasants and the importance of grassland and pollinator habitat and how to restore it. The highlight was an excellent lunch of beef brisket and pulled pork by Bonfire Old-Fashioned BBQ. The second group of hunters followed at 9:30 and the third group at 11:30. A big thank you to all the volunteers that made this happen plus the many sponsors from our spring banquet, and our donors including Big Dawg’s Plumbing and Heating, Mahogany Ridge Game Farm, Bryant and Carson Law Firm, Tom Jeffries, the Penn State Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Millheim Small Engine, and as always, our host, Pointer Haven Lodge.